Born in Croatia, but with an Italian heritage, since an early age I have always had a passion for drawing, photography, photo manipulations, film and video. That's the direction I ambitiously and strongly decided to take and educate in: one year intensive Filmmaking Course at the Prague Film School (Prague Czech Republic), 3D Animation & Design at the Algebra University (Zagreb, Croatia), Compositing for VFX course at Escape Studios (London, UK) and the 4 Week Producing Workshop at the New York Film Academy (Los Angeles, USA).
Short bio
Pragu Film School.
Algebra University.
Escape Studios.
New York Film Academy.
My philosophy
I have always considered film and video to be an imaginative, poetic, and metaphorical language beyond aesthetics, the highest form of expression, as it incorporates different arts and senses into one: image, music, performing arts and emotions.
I have never looked at film exclusively as a medium of entertainment, but as a powerful medium to express and share thoughts, ideas, and especially one’s personal experience that might touch and motivate others.
… That is exactly what I aspire my work to be, as my goal is to create memorable images for the big screen, in a stylized, creative, and imaginative way... my way.

I believe cinema should be experimental, unconventional, with symbolic content, but designed for mass appeal, made primarily for artistic value.
Movies, such as “Under the skin” by Jonathan Glazer, “Taxidermia” by György Pálfi, “Ashes and Snow” by Gregory Colbert, the work of Lars Von Trier, early work of Darren Aronofsky, and the work of Jan Švankmajer, are just a sample of what I consider artistic work, a type of cinema that is moving, unique.
As a filmmaker and as a person, I love and have the need to constantly explore, learn, and specialize in different fields and aspects of filmmaking, as I believe one is never too young or too old to learn, improve, or change.
Official “Audience Award for Best Student Short Film” for “Eclipse”, Prague Film School, Czech Republic.
Official selection “Human Rights Watch International Film Festival – Youth Producing Change” with the short film «The Sun of Freedom» - New York, Boston, San Francisco, London.
3rd prize for the commercial “Lens” at the 8th Fair of the European virtual firms «Europen» - Zagreb, Croatia.
1st prize for the short film “Shadow's Silence” at the “Istria Nobilissima” competition in the screenplay and video category, Rijeka, Croatia.
My work and acomplishments were covered by different web pages, national / local newspapers and televisions, to name a few: